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Manufacturer Connects with Decision Makers

Hyper-personalized direct mail gets attention of high value prospects
Response Rate

About Deluxe Equipment

Deluxe Equipment is a manufacturer of commercial ovens that sells directly to restaurants, bakeries and convenience stores.


The Challenge

Deluxe Equipment was looking for an effective way to connect with purchasing managements and high level decision makers for national chains of convenience stores.

How We Helped

We built a list of high value targets at convenience stores that were likely to use commercial ovens and sent them each a unique, hyper-personalized Enthusem mailer. The front featured a photo of the outside of the recipient's convenience store location. The message on the inside of the card was very personal, in nature, and suggested that Deluxe Equipment could increase the recipient’s company’s profit margin on certain products that they sell in store. The recipient then went online and entered the unique code from their mailer, sending an alert email to the Enthusem user that originally sent the card. The recipient simultaneously viewed a personal video, giving information on Deluxe Equipment and requesting a meeting. The email alert from Enthusem enabled the sales user the ability to follow up with the high value target instantly, while they were engaged with the Deluxe Equipment video message.

The Results

The campaign resulted in a 27% response rate.

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