The Enthusem Blog
Latest in offline to online marketing solutions, lead generation & sales.
News | Marketing | Sales | Integrations | Offline Marketing | Online Marketing | Direct Mail
Angela Medlar
July 24th, 2018
In what can be a volatile business, generating new leads and sales is a great concern for many marketing agencies. Many of these firms stick to the same tactics without exploring different, potentially lucrative channels. It’s important to put resources into a number of different channels where future clients may be uncovered. An oft-untapped growth driver is strategic partnership with other agencies and technology partners.
Marketing | Sales | Offline Marketing | Online Marketing | Direct Mail
Skye Snayd
July 3rd, 2018
In the digital age, PPC may represent what direct mail was in the age of traditional marketing: the flagship tactic of its time. At least, that’s how some marketers perceive them. Both accessible to marketers with smaller budgets, PPC and direct mail campaigns are commonly tracked by their response rate, though their results can be measured in a variety of other ways.
Learn how to get started automating direct mail efforts and drive more traffic to your online content.
Marketing | Sales | Offline Marketing | Online Marketing | lead nurturing
Skye Snayd
June 19th, 2018
As a marketer, you work hard to drive prospects to your website. Through organic search, social media, banner ads and more, you’re positioning your businesses as a resource worth a prospect’s click. Just getting them to your site is a win of sorts, but it’s far from the ultimate prize. In fact, only 2% of website traffic converts on the first visit.
Angela Medlar
January 18th, 2018
When I started at Enthusem, it looked nothing like it does today – visually or culturally. I walked into what reminded me of a tiny dentist office. It was full of defeated salespeople – secluded with their headphones on and heads down. The place lacked a progressive mentality and lacked any sense of excitement.
Sales | Offline Marketing | Online Marketing
Angela Medlar
May 5th, 2017
So you have your product or service, and you want to market it to the world. You have a website. You’re on the popular social media platforms – Facebook, Linkedin and others. And you post on your blog regularly. With 47% of the world on the internet – that’s 3.5 billion people surfing the web – conceivably, your company should be reaching all of the right people. But that’s a faulty assumption.
Automation | Marketing | Sales
Tim Connell
January 31st, 2017
The Industrial Revolution was a time of scale without sacrificing quality. But with the “Industrial Revolution of Sales,” it’s quickly becoming about how to scale without sacrificing personal relationships.
Enthusem™ by Prospect Smarter, Inc.